Kristen holds a BS in Psychology and an MA in Literature from Old Dominion University as well as a PhD in English from West Virginia University. 她教过写作, literature, 2004年开始开设跨学科课程, 最近一次是在缅因大学, Orono. A native Mainer, she is excited to reside near the mountain she skied and hiked in her youth. 课外活动, 她特别喜欢徒步旅行。, snowshoeing, kayaking, 自然摄影, dogs, 和家人共度时光.
Mel earned Master's degree in Writing and English from DePaul University and Middlebury College's Bread Loaf School of English, respectively. 25年前,他开始在家乡芝加哥教书. 梅尔曾在康涅狄格州的私立学校工作, Massachusetts, 她在韩国养育了三个孩子. 他喜欢户外活动,尤其是皮划艇和滑雪.
Beth holds a BA in French from the University of Georgia and has pursued graduate studies at Plymouth State University. Beth's son, Chad, 2018年毕业于CVA和她的小儿子, Adam, 是CVA 2024届的一员. Beth enjoys skiing and during the summer she returns to her native New Hampshire where she teaches young children to swim.
自2000年以来,雪莱一直在CVA教授化学和地球科学. 她也是学生策划主任. 汉密尔顿学院的毕业生, Shelley went on to earn a Master’s in Geochemistry-Petrology from the University of Idaho in 1999. She is a native Mainer who loves skiing and has been competing in Adventure Racing since 2010.
Karen graduated from the University of Vermont with a BS in Zoology and then earned a Master’s Degree in Biology from Utah State University. She teaches Biology I, Honors Biology II, and Physics and is the Director of Academic Programs. In 2010 Karen was nominated for the Williams College Olmstead Prize for Excellence in Teaching. 凯伦酷爱滑雪、山地自行车和马术. 她很高兴她的儿子现在就读于CVA.
作为CVA学术成功项目(ASP)的主任, Kristin will bring her educational expertise and passion for supporting individual students to help all students find success in their classes. Prior to coming to CVA Kristin earned a BA in English Teaching from UNH and worked in the Special Education Department in the Yarmouth School Department as a Level III Ed Tech. She has experience analyzing IEPs and will work directly with classroom teachers to address different learning styles. 克里斯汀还教授英语和学习基础课程.
Christine Newell holds a BA in Mathematics with minors in Education and Social Studies from the University of New England, Biddeford, Maine. 她有30多年的教育经验. 克里斯在她的社区也很活跃, 学术项目志愿服务, sporting events, 以及缅因州的女童子军.
杰西在缅因州长大,在休格洛夫滑雪. She received her BS in Mathematics from Simmons College in Boston and went on to receive her Masters Degree from James Cook University in Australia. 她在澳大利亚的海洋研究领域生活和工作了13年, specifically ichthyology with a specialty in tropical reef fish ecology and shark fisheries. 她喜欢潜水、钓鱼和滑雪.
从CVA毕业后, Courtney took her freestyle talents and determination to the US Freestyle Ski Team where she represented the US on the World Cup Tour until 1998. 随后,她又获得了科罗拉多大学博尔德分校的历史学士学位. Courtney continued her education receiving a Secondary Education Certificate from Black Hills State University and a Masters in American History from the University Of South Dakota where she is currently a Doctor of Education Candidate in Curriculum And Instruction. 2005年至2018年间,考特尼在SD拉皮德城的史蒂文斯高中任教. 她有教授政府、经济学、社会学和英语的经验. She served as Economics club advisor, Social Studies Department Head, AP certified instructor & 考试管理员和辩论教练.
詹妮弗拿的是B.A in Spanish from the University of Maine at Orono with continuing education credits in both Spanish and German. She is state certified in Spanish and brings ten years of teaching experience to CVA.
Sierra graduated from Whitman College with a BA in English and Minors in History and Spanish. She has loved learning her entire life and started working in schools at fifteen years old. In the summer, Sierra sea kayaks and raft guides while reading as much as possible.
Peter, a native of both Maine and California, earned his AS in Ecology while living in Maine. 然后他移居意大利,在那里他获得了旅游科学学士和硕士学位. 他是剑桥大学认证的英语评估专家. 在过去的15年里, he has worked as an English teacher in various degrees ranging from volunteering in the Amazon to holding a Head Expert in English Language position with the Italian Ministry of Education. Peter is an avid outdoor enthusiast who enjoys both conquering a mountain and letting it conquer him. 他让一种惊奇感引导他的个人生活和职业.
Owen graduated from University of Maine Orono with a BS in Ecology and Environmental Science and a BA in Economics, 专注于可持续发展, 自然资源管理和环境政策. Owen has worked on the Narraguagus and Machias rivers on Atlantic Salmon restoration projects, 他在哪里养鱼和放鱼, 每天对河流进行测量, 并实现了后期辅助测井结构对河流地貌的调整. His interest in education stems from a research project that he worked on aimed towards enhancing rural forest-located economic vitality through k-12 schooling. 在他空闲的时候, Owen loves playing music and fishing throughout the summer while he waits for the snow to fly.
珍妮是缅因大学的毕业生, 他拥有水产养殖和渔业科学学位, as well as continuing education credits through Montana State University in education, 课程开发, astronomy, 环境化学, and meteorology. Jenny brings her 10 years of experience in public school science education to CVA, having taught at Madison Area Memorial High School and Stearns High School in Millinocket, Maine. 珍妮是卡拉巴塞特山谷的长期居民,从小在休格洛夫滑雪.
科学教师和运动教练. Tristy earned her Bachelor's degree from Plymouth State University in Athletic Training and Fitness and Rehabilitation with a minor in Health. She holds a Master's degree in Holistic Health Studies from Georgian Court University and has several years of teaching experience.
韦伦教授艺术入门,工作室艺术I & 二、中学美术、摄影 & 二、摄像和工具制作. He holds a Bachelor's Degree from Plymouth State University and has over 10 years of experience as a professional artist. 韦隆和他的妻子和两个孩子住在校园里,喜欢远足, backpacking, camping, 滑雪和拍照.